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G30 International Programs’ Alumnae Spread their Wings


G30 International Programs’ Alumnae Spread their Wings
Preparing undergraduate students to be globally-minded researchers in the G30 program

This article features three alumnae from the G30 International Programs who have entered some of the world’s top universities: Sapna Sinha (University of Oxford), Kumudra Aung (University of California, Berkeley) and Genevieve Tan (University of Pennsylvania).

Region Leading graduate schools selected by alumni
Japan Nagoya University,University of Tokyo,Kyoto University
Europe University of Oxford, Imperial College London, London School of Economics, ETH Zürich, Heidelberg University, University of Amsterdam, Delft University of Technology, University of Bristol, University of Bonn, University of Sheffield
North America Massachusetts Institute of Technology, UC Berkeley, University of Chicago, Duke University, University of Pennsylvania, University of Michigan, University of Toronto, Carnegie Mellon University, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Australia University of Melbourne
Since 2011, Nagoya University has offered the Global 30 International Programs which are full-degree programs taught entirely in English. While the programs are kept small to enhance team building among students and interactions with teachers, approximately 150 undergraduate students have graduated in the past four years. More than half (85) pursued further research and education at graduate schools in Japan or abroad, at some of the world’s top universities (as shown in the above table). 
Recently, three former Nagoya University G30 students have appeared on the websites of their universities:
Ms. Sapna Sinha graduated from our applied chemistry program and began conducting research at the University of Oxford. In her fourth year of undergraduate studies at Nagoya University, Sinha has published a peer-reviewed paper as first author, under the guidance of Associate Professor Kitaura and Professor Shinohara. At the University of Oxford, Sinha has taken part in five publications and is expected to receive her Ph.D soon. When asked about her current research, Sinha replied as follows:
"Currently I am a 3rd year PhD student in the Dept. of Materials at the University of Oxford, UK and studying 0-Dimensional (fullerenes) and new 2-Dimentional materials such as Lead Iodide, Hafnium disulphide, etc. I will be submitting my thesis in the next six months under the supervision of Prof. Jamie H. Warner, Prof. Kyriakos Profyrakis and Dr. Edward Laird."
Ms. Kumudra Aung graduated from our automotive engineering program and pursued her graduate studies at the Fung Institute in the University of California, Berkeley. Her project at UC Berkeley, titled “Energy Impact of Connected and Automated Vehicles,” was in collaboration with General Motors. In regards to her experiences at Nagoya University, Aung gave the following statement:
"My research experience at Nagoya University, in particular, has contributed positively to my current studies as I have been exposed to conducting my own research, time management, and collaborating with other researchers."
Ms. Genevieve Tan, who graduated from our Japan-in-Asia Cultural Studies program, is continuing her research at the University of Pennsylvania. Tan researched ryosai-kenbo at Nagoya University and is now a History major in the combined Master’s and Ph.D program at the University of Pennsylvania. As shown below, Tan introduces her research:
"Building on my prior work as a JACS major at NU, I am currently a history Ph.D. student focusing on gender and family in twentieth-century East Asia. My research examines Japan's legalization of intermarriage within its empire in 1933. At a time when European powers were banning miscegenation, Japan laid claim to a distinctive imperial brand and presented itself as more progressive with its commitment to intermarriage."

 Recently, Tan has published an article in the Washington Post regarding Taiwan and same-sex marriage:

The above alumnae are three examples of how former G30 students are actively contributing to their research and fields. Some students who are now overseas have continued to collaborate on various research projects with faculty at Nagoya University.
The Global 30 International Programs seek not only to support international students in pursuing their career goals, but also to create new learning environments among all students at Nagoya University. Since last year, the number of Japanese students taking English-taught classes in their subject areas have increased, with the help of projects such as NU-EMI. We hope that by providing both international and Japanese students the opportunity to study their subjects together, in the common language of English, we can help cultivate a new generation of leaders who cooperate and collaborate with people from all around the world.



Sapna Sinhaさん(オックスフォード大学)、Kumudra Aungさん(カリフォルニア大学バークレー校)、Genevieve Tanさん(ペンシルバニア大学)
地域 進学した主な大学院
日本 名古屋大学、東京大学、京都大学
欧州 オックスフォード大学、インペリアル・カレッジ・ロンドン, ロンドン・スクール・オブ・エコノミクス,チューリッヒ工科大学、ハイデルベルグ大学、アムステルダム大学、デルフト工科大学、ブリストル大学、ボン大学、シェフィールド大学
北米 マサチューセッツ工科大学、カリフォルニア大学バークレー校、シカゴ大学、 デューク大学、 ペンシルバニア大学、ミシガン大学、トロント大学、カーネギーメロン大学、ノースカロライナ大学チャペルヒル校、 マウントサイナイ医科大学
豪州 メルボルン大学
工学部化学系プログラムを2016年に卒業し、オックスフォード大学に進学したSapna Sinha さん(インド出身)は、学部4年生の時に北浦良理学部准教授や篠原久典同教授の指導の下で執筆した研究発表論文とともに紹介されています。オックスフォード大学でもすでに5編の論文を発表し、もうすぐ博士学位(PhD)を取得予定です。
自動車工学プログラムを2018年に卒業し、カリフォニア大学バークレー校に進学したKumudra Aungさん(ミャンマー出身)は、本学での経験を生かして「自動運転がエネルギー節約にどれほど貢献するか?」という問題に、研究グループを組んで取り組んでいます。
文学部「アジアの中の日本文化」プログラムを2018年に卒業し、ペンシルバニア大学に進学したGenevieve Tanさん(シンガポール出身)は、同大学のホームページで、名古屋大学で「良妻賢母」について研究したことが紹介されています。彼女は現在ペンシルバニア大学の歴史学のPhDコースに所属し、「20世紀の東アジアにおけるジェンダーと家族」について研究しています。彼女が執筆した記事が最近ワシントンポストに掲載されました(2019年6月26日)。


Posted 2019-07-08